Surah An-Nas, the 114th Surah in the Quran, is a concise yet spiritually rich chapter that seeks refuge in Allah from the influence of evil. Comprising six verses, each line carries profound significance and imparts valuable guidance to believers.
“Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind.'”
The surah begins with an assertion to seek refuge in the Lord who sustains and governs all of humanity. This opening verse establishes a connection between the believer and the ultimate source of protection, emphasizing the importance of turning to Allah in times of need.
“The Sovereign of mankind,”
The second verse underscores the sovereignty of Allah over humanity. It emphasizes His absolute authority and control over all affairs, encouraging believers to recognize and submit to His divine governance.
“The God of mankind,”
This verse reinforces the concept of monotheism, asserting that Allah is the only true deity deserving of worship. It reminds believers to maintain the oneness of God in their hearts and actions.
“From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,”
The surah takes a specific turn, addressing the subtle influence of Satan, the whisperer who seeks to misguide and create doubts in the hearts of individuals. Seeking refuge from this insidious force highlights the need for protection against internal spiritual threats.
“Who whispers in the breasts of humankind,”
This verse delves deeper into the nature of Satan’s influence, indicating that his whispers are targeted at the innermost thoughts and intentions of individuals. Believers are reminded to guard their hearts and minds against negative influences that may lead them away from the path of righteousness.
“Among the jinn and among mankind.”
The concluding verse broadens the scope of protection to include both the unseen realm of jinn and the visible world of mankind. This comprehensive plea for refuge acknowledges that sources of evil can manifest in various forms and emphasizes the need for divine protection from all quarters.
In essence, Surah An-Nas serves as a powerful supplication encapsulating the core principles of seeking refuge in Allah from both seen and unseen sources of evil. By reciting and reflecting upon these verses, believers strengthen their connection with the Divine and fortify themselves against spiritual vulnerabilities.
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Halimaton Saadiah says:
such a powerful surah